Nicholas Arroyave Portela Masterclass Booking

Nicholas Arroyave Portela

Wednesday October 20th 2021

10am to 12pm

Language: english

Price: 50€

Artist statement:

Lao Tzu an ancient Chinese philosopher said, IT IS WRITTEN, THE WATER THAT FLOWS INTO THE EARTHENWARE VESSEL TAKES ON IT´S FORM. Over 26 years ago when I started out as a young artist working with clay this concept haunted me. I wanted to explore how this idea actually translated for me.

After a long break of many years I decided to revisit the vessel as a vehicle for self expression. It felt like coming home after a long journey. I have become conscious that these qualities have now taken on a symbolic emotional gesture of the human condition. When working with materials as metaphorically powerful as Earth, air, fire and water I am also made aware that the ritualistic and performative aspects of throwing have become like a mantra for me, one in which the revolving motion of the wheel head, the clay moving through my hands and the water acting as a lubricant to create form also allows me to connect to a particular state of mind.

I also take inspiration from the life and work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure of water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.

Water being one of the constant references in my work, Dr. Masaru Emoto has made me more mindful of what I am putting into each and every work of art that I produce. Indeed, I am also able to use the metaphor of water as a means of representing time, which not only takes an infinite number of shapes but also comes in cycles.

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