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Continuous Courses

Intensive Courses


Continuos courses

At Corrie Bain International Ceramics School we offer continuous courses morning and evening courses on weekdays.

Wheel Throwing continuous ceramics course


4 classes of 2hrs each,
total of 8hrs per month

TEACHERS: Fip Tonkins / Agus Garrigou

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday

  • 16:30 – 18:30 hrs
  • 19 – 21 hrs


  • 10 – 12 hrs
  • 16 – 18 hrs
Hand building continous ceramics course


4 classes of 2hrs each,
total of 8hrs per month

TEACHERS: Maryia Virsych

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday

  • 10 – 12 hrs
  • 16:30 – 18:30 hrs
  • 19 – 21 hrs

Monthly fee: 100€ (+ annual inscription fee 30€)

Facilities include 10 Shimpo Whisper T wheels, a large table for hand building, slab roller, spray booth, wedging area, glazing area, and 300 litre Nabertherm Kiln. Firing, materials and use of tools are included in the price.

please get in touch for more information

Intensive courses

please get in touch for more information


We invite artists to the studio to talk about their work.

Nicholas Arroyave Portela Exploring The Process of WheelTrhowing Masterclass

Nicholas has had an impressive professional ceramic practice since 1994. His award-winning work is showcased in various Museums and private collections worldwide.

This course will be focused on: ‘An exploration of qualities found through the process of throwing, with an emphasis on lines, rhythm, and gestural expression’.

Skill level required: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate.

Dates TBC

10am to 12pm

Language: english


Information and booking

Mike Martino

Karatsu Masterclass


Karatsu is a ceramic tradition that flourished in Japan in the late 16th to early 17th century. Despite being enormously influential within Japan, it is relatively unknown outside of the country. In this course we will explore the unique tools and techniques of the Karatsu tradition, examine the simple approach of the Karatsu potters, and touch on the origins of Karatsu ware.

September 20-22nd 2023

10am to 14pm

Language: english

Information and booking

Mike Martino

Kinsugi Masterclass


Kintsugi repair has been used in Japan for centuries, but little known to the rest of the world until recently, and is now enjoying a rennaisance of sorts. However, there are drawbacks to traditional kintsugi, namely the difficulty and expense of acquiring Urushi (the toxic lacquer from the lacquer tree), and the difficulties in handling and properly curing Urushi. This workshop will introduce participants to kintsugi techniques using an alternative material: epoxy resin, which is much easier to handle and cure properly, safe, and speeds the kintsugi process considerably.

September 25-26th 2023

10am to 14pm

Language: english

Information and booking

Raúl Mouro

Around You Masterclass

Raúl Mouro (Llamas del Mouro, Asturias) was born into a family with a ceramic tradition dating back to the 15th century. His work focuses on the redesign of traditional pieces, their evolution towards contemporary forms and the detailing of textures.He works with local earth with a high stone content and makes all his pieces on the wheel.Part of his work is currently being exhibited at the Cheongju Craft Biennale in South Korea.

Dates TBC

10am to 14pm

Language: english

Information and booking

Paola Masi


Paola Masi (Rome-Italy) is an artist with a deep sense of what lies unseen beyond form. Her practice consists in vessels thrown on the potter’s wheel in transition to abstract sculptures. Both her environment when growing up and her interest in eastern philosophy laid the foundation for the construction of her poetic and recognizable universe of unique ceramic sculptures, that dwell on the border of reality and reflection, the tangible and the invisible.

Her work is shown and collected in Europe, Japan and New York.

She is based in Barcelona.

Dates TBC

Language: english

Information and booking

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